Introduction Our customers often require Firm merchant accounts for their companies and businesses. Merchant accounts are never included automatically with a bank account in any jurisdiction. They require the application and separate processing.
Minimums We can accept customers to make a minimum of $ 10,000 a month in expenses. The new start-ups are possible to obtain merchant accounts for as well. The rate you pay will vary based on what you sell, the story that you accept credit cards, etc..
Maximums There is no maximum.
Products We Cannot Accept Pharmacy products, gambling, games, performances, copyright or trademark infringing products, lottery, porn, e-wallet, sales of gold and silver, medical marijuana, and virtual currencies. All that is illegal in your country or countries you do business in, with or ship will not accept. Copyright infringement, trademark infringement is illegal and we can not touch this.
Fees Bank fees vary according to what you are processing a month. Rates are normally 8% and may go higher. Yes this is expensive compared to what you would pay in your country, but then again there's a reason why you want to process offshore or would not be reading this page. Nobody goes offshore waiting to save money or pay the same rates as they would get in their hometown.
Payout This can be negotiated generally every other week. The money gets deposited in your corporate bank account. The corporation is an anonymous bearer share corporation. The bank has bank secrecy. You are free to wire the funds out of your corporate account anywhere. The bank account will have full online banking.
Holdback There is usually a holdback of one pay period so you are getting paid one pay period behind.
Chargebacks The processor will accept a rate of 1% chargeback. If affects 2% feel about it and could have your account closed, although the warnings would be customary, but not required. If you go to the 6% rate of chargebacks the account will be closed. Termination of your account may include the processor retaining funds for a period of six months to cover any chargeback of that may come through after the account is closed. After six months there will be an agreement.
The merchant account that provides offshore banks are not interested in maintaining accounts with high rates of chargeback. If you have high rates of chargeback now this program is not for you. We do not know of any program with a high rate of chargebacks. It is for the trader to comply with the policies and conditions of the merchant account. We are not responsible for any termination or cancellation of the account with the merchant account provider.
Offshore Merchant Accounts This is the same as a credit card account offshore or offshore solution online payment. All of these are going to treat you as a merchant risk hi. This is predominantly because it is not in the country's merchant account provider. This puts the bank as a disadvantage when it comes to gathering and subscription credit. If you want to pay rates at low risk, then you need to use a local bank in your country that you know, to get a low rate. The market for offshore merchant account is not oriented at low rates, instead offer a free solution sets for processing credit card offshore. The benefits tax free discount the highest rates more beneficial.
Brick and Mortar Businesses We do not offer this program to businesses doing in person swipe through transactions like a restaurant, bar, shoe store etc. You must have an online presence with international clientele.
Cost The fee for the merchant account is $6995 and this includes the corporation and bank account opening. We will only assist in the opening of a merchant account with the purchase of an offshore corporation and bank account through our law firm.
Anonymous Merchant Accounts There is no such thing. The merchant account provider would be bankrupt so fast you would never get your money. Any firm offering this is a fraud. The bank will want a passport scan, driver license scan and information about your business.
Offshore Merchant Account Online Application Click here to Apply
The way to start is to make us look a complete application. This allows us to quickly see what we're dealing with and then quickly make a query to the appropriate source for intelligent merchant account. We also can send these applications to our sources for advice if necessary. It will only take three minutes to complete the application. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.