Almost all the phone calls all over the world are regularly scanned for "suspicious words" computer several government agencies. You have probably heard of Echelon, the system of international surveillance. Then there are the super-secret NSA operating out of Fort Meade, Maryland (USA). They spy and record every single electronic communication in the world ... very scary stuff indeed! And there are more and worse to come!
The European Union has started its EU Telephone, Fax and Internet surveillance system in the spring of 2004. In Germany, all international calls are now scanned automatically by the Bundes-Nachrichten-Dienst. Austria has also followed suit.
Big Brother is listing in on you EVERYWHERE - if you have something to "hide" or not! Worse with the new technology installed in all phones sold from January 2004 in the United States and Europe, who are tracking a few meters away from where you are!