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"How To Legally Obtain a 2nd Passport"
Updated & Revised - for 2011 |
This 40,000 full word "encyclopedia" of experts offshore Charles Freeman reveals the little known secrets that allow almost anyone to read, and very often cheap, acquire additional nationalities and so enjoy greater freedom, greater personal security, and many other benefits.
Then there are the tax reasons and the so-called "banking passport". A lot of high-tax countries have amended their tax laws to capture rich citizens and trap them in their net tax. But with more than one nationality can reduce or even eliminate the taxes. Even most of the high-tax countries exempt Sovereigners who live less than six months a year. Obtain a second passport and you could live in a country with a high tax almost half of the year and remain tax-free as a Sovereigner.
A second citizenship can also put you in a position to:
- Invest in offshore unit trusts or mutual funds.
- Buy and rent out property wherever you choose without
- Punitive taxation.
- Avoid electronic logging of your existing passport
- Take greater advantage of offshore business opportunities.
Obtain employment worldwide.
The very fact that a second passport opens additional options mentioned above actually is reason enough to get one, but in case you need a little 'more convincing.
"Your" passport is actually owned by the "government that claims, and increasingly exercising the right to confiscate any time. Even if you are significantly removed most of your assets to a port in the open sea, there are good for you there, if you're trapped in your country "house" because the passport is no longer valid or has been confiscated.
Most countries have laws that allow them to limit not only the entrance and the exit from their territory.
Exchange controls may be imposed during the night - the necessary legislation is already in place in the United States.
US citizens are taxed work and live anywhere in the world. But a second passport can eliminate the need to disclose income and assets.
If citizenship requires the fulfillment of military service in contrast to your beliefs, it would pay to have dual citizenship.
If your passport allows the government to supervise your movements, monitor or control your journey in any way, or limit your freedom to invest, borrow, or participate in Sovereign exchange transactions, it is at a disadvantage.
If you are not a national of a Member State of the European Union, freedom of movement within the EU can not be an option open to you as there are now much stricter controls on non-EU citizens. The answer to this problem may be obtaining citizenship of a country that is already, or perhaps in the future, to be admitted as a member of the Union.
If you want to keep a low profile, for reasons of nationality, religion, race, etc., a second passport can give you the necessary mobility you need. You could also save your life.
As an insurance policy against future economic instability, political struggle or war, you should think about a second passport. When the catastrophe is imminent've left it too late. A second passport in these circumstances would be worth its weight in diamonds.
True case histories of people who would have benefited from possessing a second Passport:
- The “happily married” couple (or so they thought) whose spouse after fifteen years of marriage is now attempting to take him/her to the cleaners, and grab ninety per cent of their joint assets.
- The American mistakenly accused of being an alimony and tax dodger who has had his passport confiscated, so he cannot leave the country even though he has ample assets stashed away in an offshore nest egg.
- The law abiding Scandinavian who has been told he risks having his application for a new passport refused for alleged tax offences - even though he has paid more than fifty per cent of his income over to the state over the past five years.
- An Israeli woman still haunted by memories of the time when she genuinely feared she was facing summary execution during the hijacking of a plane. (This could also happen to US or UK citizens).
- A Dutch citizen who took a routine business trip to a fundamentalist Islamic Republic that turned into a nightmare when his passport was confiscated until his company agreed to outrageous economic and other demands.
- A French investor who established a factory providing employment in an African country, only for corrupt politicians and officials to force him to “sell” the company he had worked years to establish, and at a giveaway price. He was illegally stripped of his passport until he agreed to sign the sales contract, virtually giving away a life's work-
A Special Note For US Citizens:
Américains qui envisagent l'acquisition d'une seconde citoyenneté et eux-mêmes et leur argent à un refuge, loin du mouvement de grabber fiscal américain devrait se déplacer rapidement parce que le président des États-Unis et vice-président ont proposé une taxe exceptionnelle toute la richesse au-dessus du seuil de courant $ 600 000 personne assez ingrate renoncer à la citoyenneté américaine ou se établir ailleurs. Ce ne est pas la spéculation sauvage de ce qui pourrait arriver, mais une véritable proposition. |
by Charles Freeman details and analyses the current passport programme's in over 40 countries including:
- The U.S.A.,
- Bahamas.
- Dominican Republic,
- France,
- Gibraltar,
- Israel,
- The Turks and Caicos Islands,
- Yugoslavia,
- Belize,
- Canada,
- Dominica,
- Grenada,
- Ireland,
- St. Kitts and Nevis,
- Argentina,
- Australia,
- Bolivia,
- Brazil,
- Cape Verde,
- Ecuador,
- Guatemala,
- Honduras,
- Hungary,
- Jamaica,
- Lithuania,
- Isle of Man,
- Mauritius,
- Mexico,
- Mozambique,
- New Zealand,
- Pakistan,
- Panama,
- Paraguay.
- Philippines,
- Poland,
- Sao Tome and Principe,
- Singapore,
- United Kingdom,
- Uruguay, and
- Venezuela.
It also reveals how easy it is to become an Honorary Consul for one of several Third World countries and enjoy diplomatic immunity along with a special diplomatic passport and access to a wide range of international business opportunities.
Updated & Revised for July 2011
Contains much until now unpublished inside information that many professional advisors would charge as much as $300 per hour to reveal - if they knew! Just US$54.95 via PDF download.
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