Executive Summary We are going to look at Oakland California. This city is just across the San Francisco Bay from San Francisco. It has some tourist attractions. Oakland in years past has earned the distinction of being the murder capital of the USA. It is a high crime rate city. Their police department is on a steady path of degradation due mostly to budget cuts. The budget cuts has affected the service level of the police department and has caused resignations. I guess the police are afraid of inadequate backup availability and thus their risk level goes up.
What Happened In July 2010 the city laid off 80 police officers to reduce the budget. Since then 21 officers took retirement. Another 12 took jobs with other police departments. Five others quit. One was fired. Thirty officers are undergoing background investigations from other departments as part of the application process to get hired. Forty more will be eligible to retire by the end of December 2010. Then they have 77 cops out of work due to injuries. This is 10% of the force out on injuries. This sounds like it is so dangerous that they do not want to come to work. Now there are only five officers doing investigations (detective work). What is happening is some patrols are suspended leaving areas unprotected. Officers are likely getting backed up taking reports for burglary, theft, assault, auto accidents etc that they go from victim to victim unable to be available for patrols. This also means response times for crimes in progress will be so high as to not be much of a response at all. Responses to burglar alarms will probably be very slow at best. Silent alarms from banks, jewelry stores, etc will also be getting slow response times. Looks like the crime rate will be rising. With five detectives handling all the cases like rape, auto theft, burglary, armed robbery, assault, forgery, etc. it seems like those getting caught will be few at best. So if the perpetrator does not get caught at the scene or fleeing the scene he or she will probably never be caught. Life will be tough in Oakland as Obama and his gang continue to sink the USA into third world status as part of his real change policies.